Pablo the Port made his (swollen) appearance on Friday, October 7th. I honestly thought that the port was going to be more noticeable on my skin, but as you can tell from the picture, the incisions are much more prominent. They had to slice one area on top and one area on bottom. The port itself sits in the middle of those 2 cuts. I'm sure over time the incisions will heal, and as they go away the port will become more present, but he sure is still making himself known! My entire right side has been incredibly stiff, borderline pain, and every single movement I make reminds me there is a foreign object in my body. Doctor said it could take about 3 weeks for my body to get used to the port presence (dang.)
How does it work?
I attached another image to give a visual to the explination. Essentially the port is in the shape of a triangle, with a "cord" that connects to one of my main veins. There are 3 small bumps on top in the shape of a triangle as well which direct the nurses where to insert the special needle. The needle will essentially insert right into the middle of the port and clamp down allowing easy and direct access for treatment, blood draw, and most other things an IV is typically used for (basically saves my arms and veins from being overworked over the next several months).
Shout out to one of my best friends Sophia Parker for hanging out with me from 6:30am until 6:30pm (even though I was discharged before noon! Great medical staff) ensuring I didn't try to drive or sign any official documents against doctors orders ;) But baking cookies and chill TV time is never a bad thing!