Treatment #2 is in the books and (hopefully) so are some of the side effects. Thank you to Judy Burgraff for being the MVP of this treatment and hanging out with me for the day! [Treatment #2 picture below]. I am now on day 6 since chemo and this is about the timeframe that I became "functional" last time around. That being said the goal is to go to work tommorrow!
The side effects this time around mirrored treatment #1, which is a blessing and a curse. A curse because it likely means this will be an every-time deal, but a blessing because (maybe) that means things can become a little more predictable and I can plan around expected symptoms.
Day 1 (chemo day) has been notorious for sleep. I have literally come home and slept between 2-5 hours. Which if you know me, I was NEVER a nap person, I struggle to rest and turn my brain off, so I am going to blame the increase in sleep on the drowsy side effects of the medications.
Day 2 starts nausea and by days 3 and 4 I am down for the count becoming a glorified potato. Quite literally staying in bed and not leaving the apartment very much if at all. Shoutout to Sophie for braving a walk with me on day 5. It felt amazing to be able to see the sunshine and get out of the house. But even after one lap around the mall and only an hour of activity, I was tired, developed a head ache, and it was back to resting.
Thankfully the mouth sores have not been as painful, and with already having mouthwash on hand, I was able to treat that right away. I do not think I am going to get used to the constant "aftertaste" in my mouth and burning when I am eating or drinkning anytime soon though. Even things like Chick-Fil-A just don't seem to have the same luxury taste post treatments.
Blessings keep pouring in through especially the meal train. I cannot tell you the joy and comfort that it brings to be feeling constant nausea with no appeal to cook or prepare food, and then have LITERAL pots of blessings delivered to the door. I cannot thank everyone enough who has either donated a gift card or dropped off a meal for Ryan and I to be enjoyed for those first series of days post-treatment. The picture is just ONE example of MANY of the ways the Lord is blessing us through the support system both near and far. Shoutout truly goes to my small group ladies this week because not 1, not 2, but 3 of them individually went out of their way(s) to drop off meals this week despite their busy families and lifestyles with kiddos. Pictures like the red pot and bread I can only look at and say, "Thanks God." Side effects and circumstances suck, but He does not leave us alone in the suck. He's right there you just have to look for Him.
