A few new developments since the new year.....
Chemotherapy Treatment #7 has come and gone. I cannot lie; this time around chemotherapy decided to play a little bit of catch-up. Treatments 3-6 had become more predictable and I could identify a "routine" of sorts and be able to manage knowing how sick I would be. However, this past treatment mirrored my first two. Intense nausea and fatigue and the terrible bile taste. I am still not used to how much sleep my body is asking of me. Between Friday afternoon through Sunday, I am pretty sure that I slept over or close to 30 hours combined. I am so thankful for those checking in and we even had one of my coworkers unexpectedly drop off a meal too- what a blessing. And as always, Ryan was a God send. With a schedule change he was able to come up and be with me. Did I mention he drove from 3 states away at 4:45am? AND he cleaned my bathroom? I don't deserve this man ;)
Radiology Consultation Appointment My radiology appointment was on Tuesday and this appointment came with minimal new information, but a very helpful next stepping stone. After listening to the wisdom of another doctor and being able to understand more in-depth the decision of continuing chemotherapy vs switching to radiation, Ryan and I believed that radiation was the next right step. The choice of radiation is choosing to do what we can now to reduce the risk of my Lymphoma resurfacing later in life. I will not have more details until after my planning appointment on 2/6, but essentially radiation does not mean that the marathon is over, it just means we are in the home stretch. Radiation treatment will occur every weekday for a month starting about mid-Februrary which is following my...
The LAST Chemotherapy Treatment!! (whoot whoot!) It is a HUGE praise to know that I only have one more chemotherapy treatment in sight. Rearing the end of four months, I have come to realize the toll it has been taking. Simply put- chemo sucks. My support system outweighs the suck though and I praise God for that.
Here's to only "embracing the suck" for one last treatment in Thursday Jan. 19th and then the radiation countdown begins!
LAST Meal Train Link for dates: https://mealtrain.com/vl7r3w
Rooting for you and praising Him!